Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Returned? Job centre? EA ?


Over the past few months I sank in to a major depression, lost contact with people and for the pass month became quite ill, although I'm on the mend I could go either way. 

                                Job F***ing Centre

So I'm claiming benefits still with the job center really doesn't help with my depression while I'm there I'm being fed the same bullsh*t every two weeks you got to try this you got to try that, where its blatantly obvious it hasn't worked.The job centre just seem to give up, haven't shown me any new opportunities which will actually get me a job like they promised, haven't notified me of any apprenticeships like they promised. There is a rumor going around at my nearest job centre that after a period of time they will start being very stingy and look for any opportunity to cut your benefits or even kick you off, Me and a few others I chat to who are on job seekers  have recently noticed this with our personal advisers.

here are some examples

  • This doesn't count as a job step, (while its been accepted for the past few months)
  • you are five min early or late if this keeps happening we will cut your benefits
  • you been here so many months we are starting to believe that your not searching at all or correctly go to this session to learn how to job search if you dont attend your benefits will be cut ( the session taught me nothing at all, everything they taught us most of us knew already)
  • do the prince's trust spend a week away with complete strangers learn how to do this and that, spend 6 weeks doing community service looks good on your cv  (still hasn't upped my chances) also if you decline we may cut your benefits  
  • you are one search out you benefits will be cut next time this happens
  • you searched everything all on one day your benefits are cut for a month as this makes us believe you have lied about your job searches
  • its all in the same pen we will scrap your benefits since we believe you wrote this just recently and faked the dates 
 If someone on the internet says they claim job seekers allowance you may think that they are an immigrant, a person who has tons of kids, chavs or lazy while a lot of this is true  there are a lot of people who like me finished college or university was expecting finding a job easy failed claimed benefits to help with funds. There are also a lot of grown men and women who have recently lost their longtime job at age 40+ who lack the skills needed for work today and like people in the similar boat to our groups we have been abandoned by the government.


So ages ago i had a problem with my Sims 3 game and I played table tennis with the Ea customer service bot team who repeat the same thing or ask the same questions every few replies eventually they wouldn't let me reply and then closed it saying its been inactive for a certain amount of time i started another case since they wouldn't let me reopen mine i played table tennis again and then spoke my mind i then spoke to one of my internet friends who had the same problem and he linked me to this post on the Sims 3 forums that had been necro by the threads owner with a solution and it worked i then contacted ea again told them and they had the cheek to say they had told me that which they hadn't in the end i blew my top and that ea account was banned.
but it doesn't stop there does it ea has cocked up a lot recently with Sims city i say no more

 So then what are your views on the jobcentre, unemployment in the uk or another country, is ea really useless at customer support and are in fact money grabbing bastards who dont care about its customers.  

Monday, 4 February 2013

Being Pushed Into Jobs And The Job Center



Today's first rant is probs one of my most hateful things ever which is being pushed into things

 now you may add being pushed into the right direction is good for a youth like me. well i partly agree if a youth is doing drugs disobeying the law  and so on then yes its a must. however when its people mostly parents PUSHING you into a job you do not want to do it gets f***ing annoying, now i been job searching for the past 6 months due to completing a few years at college and i admit its a lot harder then it sounds and i should of done another college course. HOWEVER my parents want me to apply for jobs which most do not want to and its usually people from India who do them, YES TELEPHONE SALES CALL something i will never do unless i am made homeless. other jobs they want me to do include customer service assistant at some place called MBE and  warehouse work  at amazon. MBE i refused to do purely because it seems like a dead end job. the warehouse at amazon now then there are quite a few rumors and i have spoken to a few people who have worked there apparently a lot of people there are from an Eastern Europe country not saying where but they make good plumbers and are not Italian, anyway since theres a lot of them and not to many natives there. The "East Eu plumbers" apparently bullied some of the people out by simply only speaking EE plumber language , when the managers aren't around and picking on everyone else. also i must add about 5% stay on after Christmas and apparently they are all good plumbers and cheap.


Now then the job center ooh the lovely lovely job center giving money to drug addicts homeless and jobless for many years so yes I'm apart of them (jobless part) and i must say they are bloody useless and i have no idea why i am being penalized for not finding a job. now you may think "well this guy is just lazy" or "everyone thinks that" but really originally you start with £56 a week and have to do 5 job searchs with proof and everything, i personally think its too low but there you go i did that for about 4 months however a month ago it got put up to 10 job searches out of the blue and that's fine by me however 2 weeks ago it got put up again to 40. YES 40  and they don't like repeating in it now i spoken to a few friends of mine one of which had his put up to 30 around the same time and one who has only had to do 5 for the past year now the diffrence is my friend on 30 and myself have done some sort of work experience  He did slave labor at pound land which apparently was shit since it was 6 hours standing at the tiny till area and after 2 weeks his back started playing up he also had no break (when ur on work experience from job center you meant to get an hour break.) I myself have done two work experience however they were only two weeks while his was a month. The person with  only 5 since a year ago hasn't done any work experiance and right his jobs down on the night before. one of them also told me that someone they know got away with just giving their shopping list in. SO WHY AM I AND MY MATE GETTING A RAW DEAL  the money is crap for so much effort they say you can live on it maybe food wise but you will be on the street.

i'm up the job center end of the week with personal adviser who is a nice person but useless like most of them so i hear so we are gonna have a chat about it.

Anyway another thing about the money to druggies center  they ask you to use their site which is by far unhelpful the jobs on there aren't really up to date  some have been put up on the dead line date so that says it all. i have a theory that they increase the jobs search till people cant keep up and then cut it but then explain why some aren't on 30-45 jobs like me and my mate, sense is not made. its another also moment but also i was told looking for a job is like a full time job and i should spend 32 hours a week looking.

 I must add I have had quite a few interviews but no joy i have tried changing my cv and application forms, covering letters, presentation my speaking skills but they either leave me hanging or reply next day saying I'm unsuccessful

Questions if you bother reading and replying 
1. do you think people should be pushed into job like telephone sales while they have spent year studying somthing else
2. Is job center worth the hassle 
3. Is  30-45 jobs a week to high and 5 too low    (i personally think 15 should be appropriate)
4. Is directgov universal job search shit ?
5. Is 32 hours job searching a week  too expensive, boring, too much, too unhealthy if you only use a computer

That's me done till next time  BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


 In game Coin Shops Why I Hate Them!


Header says it all i really hate MMORPGS AND MMFPS with coin shops now i been on the gaming scene since i was about 5,6 or 7 with the game boy color and over the years i been  to consoles computer gaming and of course online games now one of the very first games i played which had an online store was shaiya now back then i didnt have much of a know how to games and computers so i played and enjoyed for a bout two months saw that a lot of the "cool" stuff i wanted had to be brought with money it was around that time i started playing runescape and brought membership and i liked it like that have everything in game and i enjoyed it, still do....... till recently but i shall get to that.
Online stores for in games i guess ARE OK for cosmetics BUT NOT FOR IMPORTANT INGAME ITEMS WHICH GIVE PEOPLE AN EDGE.  Thats my personal view anyway, which i gained from maplestory which i have played many times  my account was on of the first since i made it the day after the release in Europe and i played it for about a year left it for a few more came back and tons of stuff in the coin store like pets weapons, mounts, items, money and i couldn't get back into it properly.

Another game two infact i played recently (last two years) was spiral knights and a mystical land
both used energy you get a base energy of 100 in spiral knights which is used in crafting and exploring dungeons and it recharges completely within 24 hours however some craft able things required more then 100 and you had to BUY DIFFERENT ENERGY WITH REAL MONEY and i think that could also be used for buying other items which gives an edge, yet again it put me off. a mystical life had tons of energy and i used it slowly since i did more combat then crafting/gathering/ cooking  so usually i had a lot left by the time i stopped and you got given free stuff from the store at the start like an extra backpack for a while however when that expired you had to buy a new one and all the items in there were locked and UN-USEABLE if they could just be moved to bank storage or other slots or even been sold that would of been good BUT NO I COULDN'T USE THEM AND TO BE ABLE TO MOVE THEM MEANT BUYING MORE TEMP STORAGE OR PERM FOR RIDICULOUS PRICES  no wonder not many people played.

Now if games had a system like Runescape before "the coin shop called Solomon store " have f2p which is limited and then membership which you could get everything that would be swell. Now this all started with the squeal of fortune good update i admit yes you got the option to buy spins with real money but you get 2 a day (1 if your f2p),  1 or 2 from each quest you do, as well as one from daily challenges and spin tickets as drops from monsters and skilling. all well and good but like myself and many players saw that a coin shop would eventually open and we was right a few months down the line it came out members got 200 coins for free however alot of stuff was like a few coins over 200. now alot of it was cosmetics and changing the way you skill or cast teleports but now you got pets on there which help you which does give an edge but not much. I predict that given a few months there be weapons and Armour buying bulks of items on it which MAY MAKE ME DECIDE TO STOP PLAYING which would probably do me good and save money.

So here is a question for anyone who reads this Do you believe coin shop is positive or a negative edition to online multilayer games.

Monday, 28 January 2013

My Arrival And Ea rant


I guess I best get started with first saying that i am a ranter (hence the name) now there are many things in life at the moment which we can and to be honest we do rant about so maybe daily or weekly I shall rant about anything and everything while trying not to repeat myself, my spellings crap and im trying to write formal......for the first post at least 

These rants will be based on things effecting me, family, friends and anything else and i would very much like your views on the subjects and feel free to ask my views on other things.

Also don't expect this blog to be anything flashy or attractive if it does its job and i get at least a viewer besides myself I'll be jumping for joy since I need the exercise. 

formalish part over

EA support RANT

So then at the moment Ea is really pissing me off  about three of my games have stopped working and this has been going on for the pass 3 or 4 months so a bit late anyway two of them belong to Ea so after being rudely ignored on the forum for about a month i took to ea support (i didn't attack them honestly) i explained my problem submitted a dxdiag report and everything i did first they pretty much told me to do things i had already done so it shows they don't bother reading anything the whole thing looked like an auto reply after that the suggested a few simple things (although i didn't think of them at the time) and it felt like they was talking to a brainless child even though i had said i have decent knowledge of computers and programs. anyway after playing pong with what i believe is an auto reply bot i get told to use the self help guide for further help.

now if this person is reading this which i highly doubt anyone is I apologize for calling you an auto reply bot.
however this has not been the first time i have  had problems with ea products/site and the ea support haven't been much help so advice if you got an ea product which don't work or stopped working trying sorting it out yourselves (since after a while they say use the self help guide for brainless children FAQ) or you may get lucky and have an smart auto reply bot or a real person solve it.


it replied twice and basically when i said i don't have any custom content (for the 3rd time ) it told me to uninstall it.