Monday 27 January 2014

The End Of Nothing

                         The Past Months 

Its been quite a few months since I posted anything probs because nobody reads this shit but anyway for the
past few months have been hard, to start with i fell in love with someone who I thought there maybe a chance with even though i haven't been with anyone for a couple of years due to a previous releationship and the trust and intimate issues that followed , wounds heal over time but anyway, I believe she had eyes for someone else, who was always in her space could rarely get her on her own and when i did i froze and spoke about things which someone really doesn't need know , the guy is my friend but im getting annoyed with him and to stay safe and keep everyone happy I backed away I surrendered  I didn't want to hurt relationships between everyone, I put everyone else before myself, but it kills even now which isn't good since I got hard times ahead of me. In June I started becoming ill again and It got worse in October one point I started coughing up blood which stopped after a week. Due to illness and not being able to have a perm job and among other thing lead me into another deep depression around November. My depression levels went to a dangerous point in December and start of Jan, I honestly felt like ending it all which I have tried to once before around 5-6 years ago, However At the moment in time I'm feeling better and more then likely wont doing anything to extreme.

                          That's all folks 

As for the Daily weekly monthly rant blog, It didn't work out, kinda feels stupid looking at it now, So Im not going to add anymore posts to it, however I Will do some different blogs already stared a new however In the future I may do a similar blog. If anyone cares send suggestions if not then so be it.