Tuesday 21 May 2013

Returned? Job centre? EA ?


Over the past few months I sank in to a major depression, lost contact with people and for the pass month became quite ill, although I'm on the mend I could go either way. 

                                Job F***ing Centre

So I'm claiming benefits still with the job center really doesn't help with my depression while I'm there I'm being fed the same bullsh*t every two weeks you got to try this you got to try that, where its blatantly obvious it hasn't worked.The job centre just seem to give up, haven't shown me any new opportunities which will actually get me a job like they promised, haven't notified me of any apprenticeships like they promised. There is a rumor going around at my nearest job centre that after a period of time they will start being very stingy and look for any opportunity to cut your benefits or even kick you off, Me and a few others I chat to who are on job seekers  have recently noticed this with our personal advisers.

here are some examples

  • This doesn't count as a job step, (while its been accepted for the past few months)
  • you are five min early or late if this keeps happening we will cut your benefits
  • you been here so many months we are starting to believe that your not searching at all or correctly go to this session to learn how to job search if you dont attend your benefits will be cut ( the session taught me nothing at all, everything they taught us most of us knew already)
  • do the prince's trust spend a week away with complete strangers learn how to do this and that, spend 6 weeks doing community service looks good on your cv  (still hasn't upped my chances) also if you decline we may cut your benefits  
  • you are one search out you benefits will be cut next time this happens
  • you searched everything all on one day your benefits are cut for a month as this makes us believe you have lied about your job searches
  • its all in the same pen we will scrap your benefits since we believe you wrote this just recently and faked the dates 
 If someone on the internet says they claim job seekers allowance you may think that they are an immigrant, a person who has tons of kids, chavs or lazy while a lot of this is true  there are a lot of people who like me finished college or university was expecting finding a job easy failed claimed benefits to help with funds. There are also a lot of grown men and women who have recently lost their longtime job at age 40+ who lack the skills needed for work today and like people in the similar boat to our groups we have been abandoned by the government.


So ages ago i had a problem with my Sims 3 game and I played table tennis with the Ea customer service bot team who repeat the same thing or ask the same questions every few replies eventually they wouldn't let me reply and then closed it saying its been inactive for a certain amount of time i started another case since they wouldn't let me reopen mine i played table tennis again and then spoke my mind i then spoke to one of my internet friends who had the same problem and he linked me to this post on the Sims 3 forums that had been necro by the threads owner with a solution and it worked i then contacted ea again told them and they had the cheek to say they had told me that which they hadn't in the end i blew my top and that ea account was banned.
but it doesn't stop there does it ea has cocked up a lot recently with Sims city i say no more

 So then what are your views on the jobcentre, unemployment in the uk or another country, is ea really useless at customer support and are in fact money grabbing bastards who dont care about its customers.